fun with instant messenger |
I swear this is real. I was backgammoning online with a stranger, and the conversation got interesting...
DannyKauf: okay i can only beat you one more time, then i gotta go.
DoinGood: you bad
DannyKauf: you don't know the half of it sister
DoinGood: oh? let's hear it
DannyKauf: aw i was bluffin. i'm a good boy.
DoinGood: you better be or the devil will get cha
DannyKauf: yikes! he sounds scary!
DoinGood: he is worse than a tiger, or a lion
DannyKauf: oh no!
DoinGood: cause you can't really see him ....
DannyKauf: does he like raw meat?
DoinGood: and beautiful raw meat
DannyKauf: when he's eating raw meat, is the meat invisible too or does it just float there?
DannyKauf: and get smaller
DoinGood: no he can see you. he roams around trying to destroy you.
DannyKauf: no but can i see the raw meat that he's eating?
DoinGood: oh yeah you can see the meat and it is you
DannyKauf: he eats people???
DoinGood: actually he just torments you
DannyKauf: get your story straight
DoinGood: makes you sick,,, gets you murdered etc
DoinGood: he is a liar
DoinGood: he is a thief
DannyKauf: and a carnivore
DoinGood: he is a deceiver
DannyKauf: does he like music?
DoinGood: you bet
DannyKauf: even christian rock?
DoinGood: some of it
DannyKauf: evil christian rock?
DoinGood: my husband does christian rock
DannyKauf: cool.
DannyKauf: so it sounds like you're saying i should be wary in my dealings with this devil guy.
DoinGood: you should have no dealings with him!
DannyKauf: ok
DoinGood: he will try to. he will wine you and dine you.
DannyKauf: hmm. will he at least pick up the check?
DoinGood: no. he loves to watch you squirm when you have to pay it.
DannyKauf: what a jerk! a cheapskate too.
DannyKauf: i'll bet he's a lousy tipper
DoinGood: no tips at all
DannyKauf: oh man that stinks
DannyKauf: i feel bad for the waitress who gets him at her table
DannyKauf: aw meat is heavy i'm sure
DoinGood: i'm not kidding you.....he has charge of all that goes on on earth
DannyKauf: even the pope?
DoinGood: especially
more: away messages
(C) 2006 Daniel Kaufman. All rights reserved. IM names have been changed for privacy, and conversations may be edited for brevity.